Tuesday, July 24, 2007

eBay Vacation Rental Auctions - challenging, but rewarding

One of the most challenging items facing a property owner who wants to begin using eBay auctions is just getting permission from eBay to do it. Anyone can sign up and open a sellers account on eBay almost immediately. Armed with only their bank account and/or credit card information a person can sign up and post an auction for Grandpa's pocket watch in just minutes. Getting permission to use that same sellers account to auction off time in the family's beach condo can take 2 weeks or more.

EBay throws a lot of security around any auction involving real estate to protect both the buyer and the seller. In the case of Vacation Rental properties, they farm this responsibility out to Square Trade. In order to auction time in your condo, you must become "Travel Verified" with Square Trade.

Becoming "Travel Verified" involves some on-line forms, a nominal membership fee and, most importantly, proving to Square Trade that you have the legal right to rent the property. While the process can be a bit daunting for the eBay Newbie, following the instructions to the letter will generally result in a verification number that you must include in your auctions. Don't even bother to post an auction without it, because eBay will quietly delete the auction within 24 hours and refund your fees.

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